Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Happy Ash Wednesday

This year I have possibly bit off more than I can chew, I gave up all junk food for Lent.  Usually I just give up chips, but lately I have been eating a lot of sweets too so I was in desperate need of a Lenten intervention.
As I sit here on day one I feel good about my decision, I would feel better eating a mint Oreo, but that is beside the point!

Things I will not be eating:
Candy and baked sweets
Chips and crackers
French fries and most other fried "crap".
Fast food

Things I will be eating more of:
Raw veggies
100% whole grain bread & pasta and baked potatoes
Fresh fruit
Berries, greek yogurt and granola (one of my fave healthy treats)

Dang, a mint Oreo sounds good!


Beth said...

Hmmm....this sounds familiar. Not the lent part, but all the things I want to eat less of (and the "more of"). I should pretend I'm religious for the sake of practicing lent. It would a motivator for giving up the sugar, caffeine and snacks. And I desperately need to.

Jen said...

Oh how I love mint Oreos. Focusing on more of the healthier foods reminds me of this documentary I saw the other day.
It's a 30 day challenge of only eating "Raw" foods. Like a reverse Super Size Me. Pretty cool.

Unknown said...

:) Beth, this is the only "good Catholic girl" thing I do, and I actually really enjoy it! I feel much better today. I made homemade hummus and pesto, that totally makes up for what I am missing! For lunch I had a pita with hummus and lots of veggies (and yet another kiwi, I got some really good ones!) and for supper I think I will make some kind of white fish with the pesto and rice. Tomorrow (meatless Friday) I am going to surprise Nate with sushi from Morey's. I also let myself have homemade hot chocolate if I really NEED something decadent.