Monday, February 4, 2013

Whoa ambition, where did YOU come from?!

I have had a cold for the last week or so, not a bad cold, just annoying.  I woke up yesterday feeling semi-normal and that sparked a fire in me.  I cleaned my house and cooked all day yesterday and today (so far). 

Here's what I have made so far:
Beef stew
Egg salad
Chocolate chip cookies
Baked spicy garlic tortilla chips
...and I have a pork roast (carnitas style) in the slow cooker!

All of it has been low-sugar and low-carb.  The cookies I made have almond flour, truvia and natural sugar free chocolate chips and the beef stew has cauliflower and broccoli instead of tons of potatoes.  Oh and the tortilla chips are made with low carb lavish flatbread.

Everything has been a hit except the chips, which are for me anyway.  We will be eating good for the next couple days!


Unknown said...

I had way more ambition than I had time today. I was lucky to organize my thoughts, much less accomplish one or more of my culinary projects!

Unknown said...

I have been trying to organize my house too ( my mind is a lost cause). I have been told my basement is screaming out to be on the show "Hoarders".